I love this! I'm sure, as with everything, I will forget...frequently. Nevertheless, I want to give this challenge a go. Journaling of any sort is very cathartic for me."I’m starting the week off with a little challenge to open up a sketchbook and create a double page spread every day. I find that my kids are more creative when they witness my own passion for creativity, and this strategy is a manageable and inspiring way to walk the talk."
Yesterday I was reading a post about ways to help your children through strong emotions. One of the tips is "Angry Art." Once a child gets out all the aggression, s/he typically settles into calm(er) creation. Why don't more adults try this? It's cheaper than that punching bag for which I keep asking...
I definitely can't lose here.
So, here's day 1:
I have space on the brain ...and I love crayons |
I'm so glad that this idea connects with you, Katie, and I hope we can continue to motivate each other to make an almost daily practice of this. I know it's so hard to show up every day to create (life with kids is ridiculously busy), but every little bit helps. I have space on the brain too...my 3 year old is obsessed with planets and my one year old loves counting down to blast off ;)