
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Under the Sea

Inspired by my BFF, as I so often am, I spent a few days working with the kids on this under the sea piece of artwork.

I couldn't find the watercolors anywhere, so I had the kids finger paint on card stock.  The Crayola washable finger paint is translucent, so it has a similar look to watercolors.

I shopped the clearance sections of a couple JOANN stores and had the luck of finding some perfect punches: a crab, a seahorse, a snail and a dragonfly.  I used the punches on the painted card stock.

After starting another under the sea project, on canvas, which I will show you when it's complete, I let Ellie go to town with the paints and brushes I had out.  I gave her a dark-blue piece of card stock, hoping the light paint colors would pop on the dark blue.  They did!

Tonight I helped Ellie glue the animals on the background.  Ellie's response: "There's crabs everywhere!"

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