
Saturday, October 9, 2010

Family Field Trip: Boyce Thompson Arboretum

We took a family field trip to Boyce Thompson Arboretum, about an hour east of Phoenix.  We got to hear a live concert, chase butterflies and lizards, and hike through beauty only God could create.  Here is a photo diary of our visit.

The moment we walked in, we were greeted by a hungry butterfly

As I stood on the bridge looking down this now-dry rivulet, I felt the spirit of its living days flowing past me like a ghost

I didn't find the sign for these trees, but they were huge, white, and oh, so cool

These little lizards were all over the place - this one was flipping his tail from side to side, probably telling the preschooler to back off...

This tree, especially this knot, spoke to said, "'O' is for 'Owl'"

Note the knotty "elbow" up at the right - love it!

These saguaros had to be 12 feet tall - we wondered how old they must be

Standing on a suspension bridge over Queen Creek (so that's where the city name comes from!)

I fell in love with all the paths of footprints in the creek

A little hideaway...

View from the top

The suspension bridge is that tiny thing in the middle of the picture

I named this one "Ginger Rock"

Ellie: "Does the rock have ketchup on it?"

I'm pretty sure this one speaks for itself

The depth perception is lost in 2D, but I took this because it made me think of Calvary


Furry century plant?

Even the drive home was fantastical

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